What kind of boots?

Tonight Mike came home with a new pair of nice boots. Natalie said, “Daddy, aren’t those toad boots”? I laughed so hard. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a pair of boots made from toad hides!

Think Pink

We are happy to say that our ultrasound today was very good. The baby looks great and measured well even a little long which should not such a big surprise after our tall girls. We are having another girl. Courtney is excited and Natalie is not sad even though she has...

Halloween 08

Here is a picture from halloween. We went trunk or treating at the local antique car show. Natalie was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Courtney was the princess from Princess and the Pauper.

Field trips

We are having fun this fall going on field trips with friends. Our first excursion was at the end of Sept. We went to an apple farm and picked apples. We made pies and dipped some in carmel and ate lots. It was fun. Click here for pics. Today we went to a pumpkin...

Bathing and Sleeping

Some of our favorite times are bathing and sleeping. Here are some fun pictures to show you. Thanks to cousin Jenna for the great hair styles! Be sure to notice the careful placement of the stuffed animals. I think they had more covers than Natalie. : )