Framed scripture

Framed scripture

We are almost finished decorating after the bathroom remodel this spring. I wanted to put a verse on the wall by each girls sink. A verse that will remind them to do everything as unto The Lord. Our verse for this week is Colossians 3:23-24. I started playing with how...

Summer harvest 2013

My garden has suffered this year because spring was busy with remodeling bathrooms in the house. (More about that soon). Even so we have eaten lots of lettuce and now tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, butternut squash and garlic. I moved my tomatoes and my Cherokee purple...
Las Vegas

Las Vegas

While on vacation out west we spent three days in Las Vegas. Not exactly the ideal place to take children on vacation. It was midpoint between the Grand Canyon and Ridgecrest. My dad came down from Portland Oregon to hang with us and actually took care of our swanky...
Grand Canyon Adventure

Grand Canyon Adventure

We had a blast exploring the Souther Rim of the Grand Canyon. We walked a short distance on a trail. According to the girls it was a humungous beautiful hole in the ground!