Ok – Time to re-motivate myself to post more information on our family blog. I have recently updated the look. It’s not exactly where I want it to be but it is getting there. I like the look of a notebook of collected images and stories. Maybe even something to print at the end of the year? So my new challenge for myself is to post at the end of the month as a summary of what happened during the month. So here goes….

January 2013

Mike was challenged at work to visit a doctor and do a detox cleanse diet. He had only a shake to drink for seven days. He did it! He actually felt better when it was done and lost several pounds. He has adjusted his diet and is eating healthy. He even likes some of organic crazy food. He also stole my nuts and took them to work today. Bummer for me but at least i know he has some healthy snacks.

Natalie started basketball. Yes, I said that our daughter has started a sport, a competitive one and she likes it. Thank you Jenna for introducing the girls during the mini sports camp last summer. We got a basketball hoop for Christmas. The girls, Courtney too, are enjoying shooting hoops every chance the weather allows for them to be outside. Natalie is learning a lot on her team. She has a great coach that is really encouraging. She scored in her first game!


Courtney started cheerleading. They are both going through Upwards. She is cheering for Natalie’s team on Saturdays. She is loving it! Yikes! She gets ready with no argument, keeps up with her megaphone and pom poms and she is encouraged to be loud. Go Courtney! She is having a blast!

Courtney and Hannah

Anabel is continuing with ballet and loves it. She is excited when it is time for her lessons. She even dresses in her ballet clothes throughout the week and dances around the house while she watches Angelina Ballerina. She often dresses her dolls up to match and dance with her. She wants to wear dresses every day and loves tights and matching shoes. She still gets black and brown mixed up and insists that pink and red go together but otherwise does pretty well matching stuff up. She is doing great recognizing her letters and numbers and we are working the sounds of the letters and soon putting sounds together to make words. Here she is growling for Natalie’s team – the Wildcats. She colored the mask and couldn’t wait to wear it! RRRRRR


I, Duffy, am keeping busy trying to keep up with the rest of the family, pets and house. I am getting quotes for some remodeling work so I am sure that will take up some of my time as we make decisions about rooms, colors, flooring etc. One big step for the month of Jan is moving website around and developing my web consulting business. I have been brainstorming for a long time for a name that describes what I like to do and why. Finally, it hit me – Web on Mission. I enjoy helping businesses develop their brand and reach their target market through print and web media. On the web with a mission to reach their customers. I have also really enjoyed using my skills and resources to help our church and other ministries and/or missionaries. So Web on Mission takes on a double meaning.  What I make in consulting will hopefully offset my expenses to support these ministries. I get to give and support and do work that I enjoy. It’s a win, win. Now if only I had a more time. I would also like an extra set of arms as long as I am dreaming…

I am thankful for the blessings of my family, our home, our church, health and mostly for Christ in our lives. I have been praying for some specific things and the Lord is answering in amazing ways. He has softening our hearts. We have begun reading through the New Testament at night as we put the girls to bed. It is just a chapter a night but has been a blessing for sure.