Sometimes on Sunday, I wonder why we are even going because we are so late to church. Once we get the girls dropped off in their rooms we make it just as our pastor begins the sermon. I am often distracted thinking about what needs to be done or where we will eat for lunch. I tend to thrive on the last two songs wanting them to last longer – I finally understand why – I want to worship – I need to worship. Something deep within me desires to worship. It is good to clean out all the lists in my head and just focus on my creator and his love for me.
We don’t go to church because it is required or because it is the right thing to do. We go because we need Jesus, we go because we want to give back a little of the love and adoration He has given us. We want to worship.
So it is two fold – that I need to be on time. I need to be with my God and He wants to be with me.
I’m with you, sister. It’s really frustrating; I’m usually strolling in with our wee one with 20 minutes left. I’m no longer worried about what people think, though. It’s a season with little ones and sometimes I’d rather he get a good nap than be on time. When did the girls change to one nap a day? xo, m